Доспехи.Латы для лошадей и собак

Доспехи.Латы для лошадей и собак.

Renaissance Saint George's statue inside the Schatzkammer of Münchener Residenz

Как пишут специалисты- лошадиное снаряжение не такое тяжелое, каким кажется на вид, о нем можно почитать в предыдущих постах. Боевые доспехи делали легче, чем парадные, или надевали их частично.

Retable of St George (detail)
c. 1400
Tempera on wood, 670 x 486 cm (full retable)
Victoria and Albert Museum, London

Gentile, da Fabriano
Adoration of the Magi (detail)
Date: 1423

Накидка и попона с изображениями пчел
Jean Marot, La Conquete de Genes (1507).King Louis XII leaves Alexandria, which he has just subdued.He wears a coat with a pattern of bees over his armour,a sign of benevolence towards the Italians.Inscription:"The King whom we obey has no sting".
Bibliotheque Nat., Paris, France


Статуя-реликварий святого Георгия
Зустрис, Фридрих
Золото, серебро, драгоценные и полудрагоценные камни; эмаль
Королевская резиденция

Estatua de San Jorge y el dragón en la Catedral
Salimos del Palacio y nos dirigimos hacia la Plaza Stortorget y La Catedral, que está detrás del edificio de la Academia Sueca.

NOTKE, Bernt
St George and the Dragon (detail)
Painted wood
Storkyrkan, Stockholm
------------------horse armor-------

Anchaint horse armor at the Musée de l'Armée in Paris

Anchaint armor at the Musée de l'Armée in Paris

Armoured Horse

Armored horse at the Cleveland Museum of Art.

Horse armor. In 16th-century Europe- Германия


Horse Armor
Royal Armoury, Leeds, England
-----------------Museum Leeds Yorkshire----------

Royal Armouries Museum Leeds Yorkshire

Battle of Pavia fought 24 February 1525.

Killer Elite
Etched Metal
Wolfgang Grosschedel
Germany approx. 1535
--------NYC Metropolitan Museum of Art-------------

NYC Metropolitan Museum of Art, Medieval section. These knights are sporting original armor that is over 500 years old.



Сhanfron (horse head defense)

Armored Horse in the Great Hall at Warwick Castle

Equestian Armour in Gothic Style - The Wallace Collection London

ca. 1450-1460 - 'chanfron', Milano, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Austria

------------Kunsthistorisches Museum -Vienna--------
--------------Albert, Archduke of Austria-----------

1598-1600 - 'parade armour and horse armour for Albert, Archduke of Austria'

1598-1600 - 'parade armour and horse armour for Albert, Archduke of Austria', Milano, Koninklijk Legermuseum, Hallepoort, Koninklijke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis, Brussel, Belgium


Horse armor at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Horse Armour Display (miniature)

Royal Armouries Museum Leeds Yorkshire
----------------Парадные доспехи----------------

Парадная броня 16 век, Стокгольм

NYC - Metropolitan Museum of Art: Armor for Man and Horse
Armors for Man and Horse
Etched steel
Wolfgang Grosschedel (record 1517-1562)
German (Landshut), man's armor around 1535, horse armor date 1554
------------------Henry the VIII-------------------

his amazing silver engraved field armor and horse armor was made for Henry the VIII


--------------------Maximilian I------------------

Rüstungen in der Neuen Burg in Wien. Im Vordergrund sind zwei gotische Harnische mit Schnabelschuhen und Schallern zu sehen. Der Reiter trägt die Rüstung von Maximilian I.

ca. 1490-1511 - 'composite armour for Emperor Maximilian I', South German and Netherlandish, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Austria

Vienna and its Kunsthistorisches Museum


Horse Armour Collection
The Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia
----------------Armeria del Palacio Real-------------

La Real Armeria del Palacio Real - HDR de un solo archivo RAW - Madrid (España)

Royal Armoury, Palacio Real, Madrid.

Armería del Palacio Real
Palacio Real, Madrid, España


7th century Bronze Greek helmet depicting a horse
Греческий шлем
Photographed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, New York.

Parade Saddle Carved bone with traces of polychromy mounted on a wood frame German or Tirolean about 1450
-----------------Китай и Япония---------------

Leeds: Japanese war horse getup

Leeds: Chinese war horse getup
--------------Доспехи для собачек---------------
Картинок с ними почти не нашлось, но есть сведения, что они были. У собак также были и гербовые попонки.

A German 17th century war dog (represented by a statue) in protective armour, consisting of chain mail and steel helmet. Formerly in the Rüstkammer Collection of Wartburg Castle, Germany

Шлем в виде головы волка
Wolf Faced Visor
Close helmet with ceremonial "wolf-faced" visor Higgins Armory Museum, Worcester, MA
It is based on the helmet A461 in the Hofjadg-und Rüstkammer, Vienna, of 1529, by Hans Seusenhofer of Innsbruck, Austria, for King Ferdinand I (1503-1564). The visor has been variousley (sic) described as a "dog," wolf," or similar beast."








--------------Другие животные-------

Еще по теме:

Доспехи самураев, а также кошек,мышек и собак-ТУТ

Шлемы.15-17 век-ТУТ

Гульфики. 14-15-16 век, оба поста-Тут

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