Моя переписка с профессором MIT Лореном Грэмом, который ратует за изменение российской ментальности

Когда я посмотрел видео Лорена Грэма и почитал несколько глав из книги Грэма, я обрадовался "о, вот наконец профессор MIT, который скажет мне, что произошло с $300 миллионами долларов денег россиян, которые Сколково перечислило в MIT, чтобы научиться продуктизировать изобретения. Были ли эти деньги просто благотворительным пожертвованием от России Америке или MIT выполнил какую-то работу, или предоставил России интеллектуальную собственность, которая стоит $300 миллионов долларов. Итак:
On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 4:23 AM, Yuri Panchul wrote:
Dear Professor Graham:
My name is Yuri Panchul. I am a Russian Ukrainian American of the engineering-entrepreneur type you are looking for. I was a founder of a Silicon Valley company in the area of Electronic Design Automation that was funded by Intel and had Hitachi and Fujitsu as key customers – see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Level_Design
In recent years I have participated in the initiation of several major joint Russian-American-British projects in microelectronics including 28 nm Russian embedded microprocessor Baikal-T (see the article in EE Times by googling “SoC From Russia With MIPS eetimes”) and computer vision chip from Elvees-NeoTek (see the articles and press releases by googling “imagination russia elvees elise”). I also go to Russia every year to give seminars in top universities including Moscow State, Phystech, MEPhI, MIET in Zelenograd, ITMO in St. Petersburg and others. You can see the report with a lot of photo pictures about my recent trip to Russia here (in Russian) - http://www.silicon-russia.com/2015/12/19/mipsfpga-russia-trip-report-in-russian I can also supply you with the English version of the same text if you are interested.
I strongly believe that joint projects between Russian and American companies, in combination with updating the Russian university education, will eventually lead to diffusion of American values and to cultural change in Russia.
How I have a question. You are a very famous scholar of the history of Russian science. You also may have witnessed some recent developments that have occured in the last 5 years between Skolkovo and MIT (my report mentioned above includes my visit to Skolkovo). I am puzzled by the circumstances of the deal between Skolkvo and MIT and cannot find any public information about the tangible results of that deal from the MIT side.
According to an article in Bloomberg “In Russia, the Skolkovo Foundation is paying MIT $300 million for its participation in the university, Vekselberg says. That involvement includes designing the university curriculum and research programs and providing visiting faculty.” According to the MIT site, the contract between Skolkovo and MIT was 3-year contract. For this kind of money you can hire 500 highly qualified people a year (assuming $200,000 a year per person) or even more postgraduate students. This is a lot to design a university curriculum. Here is what I observed from my Russian and US experiences:
• For $3,000 you can equip a regional Russian university with a set of boards for a microcontroller lab
• For $30,000 you can translate and publish a high-quality textbook on microelectronics that can be used in hundred of Russian universities
• For $300,000 you can fund a Russian startup at the seed stage
• For $3,000,000 you can fund a startup with the 1st round of VC financing
• For $30,000,000 you can fund a serious ASIC design project (ASIC – Application Specific Integrated Circuit – a chip for networking or smart cameras)
• For $600,000,000 you can buy an old semiconductor fab, obsolete, but still useful for making chips for microcontrollers that do not require the latest nanometer (the latest one would cost $5-10 billion but this is outside of the subject)
So what is the tangible outcome of that $300M for the Russian people? Any textbooks, labs, startups or fabs? As a historian of science and an MIT professor you are likely to know what happened there. I am preparing for my next trip to Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan will be advising them an updating their educational programs and your input and experience would be useful to know.
Thank you,
Yuri Panchul
Профессор Лорен Грэм мне ответил. Он не написал ничего про роль MIT, сказал, что скептически относится ко всему проекту, и что Россия денег назад от этого не получит:
From: Loren Graham [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2016 6:51 AM
To: Yuri Panchul
Subject: Re: Connecting the US electronic industry to the Russian academia + Skolkovo/MIT question
Dear Yuri Panchul,
Thank you for writing. I am skeptical about the whole Skolkovo project. It is costing a great deal of money and it is extremely unlikely that it will make that much money back for Russia.
Thank you for your thoughts.
Best, Loren Graham
Тогда я написал профессору Грэму конкретный вопрос про роль администрации MIT и спросил были ли это $300 миллионов просто благотворительным пожертвованием от Сколково MIT, и если нет, то какие результаты были получены от MIT или по крайней мере пообещаны (работа сотрудников MIT или интеллектуальная собственность, которая стоит $300 миллионов долларов):
Dear Professor Graham:
Is it possible for you to point me to the information specifically about the role of the MIT administration in that $300M transfer, not the Skolkovo project as a whole? Was that transfer just a charitable contribution from Skolkovo to MIT? Did the MIT administration deliver or at least promise to deliver anything (work done on MIT side or any IP transferred from MIT to Russia worth $300M)?
Thank you,
Yuri Panchul
Как вы видите, на первый емейл профессор ответил: он не написал ничего про роль MIT, сказал, что скептически относится ко всему проекту, и что Россия денег назад от этого не получит. А вот на второй емейл ответа я не получил.
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Моя переписка с профессором MIT Лореном Грэмом, который ратует за изменение российской ментальности
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