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Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015

топ 100 блогов charsov23.01.2015WOW Наиболее потрясающий сегмент 63го конкурса красавиц, начавшегося вчера во Флориде. Похоже, костюмы им шили в Victoria Secret. Любуемся.
 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Canada: Chanel Beckenlehner came dressed as a glamorous ice hockey player, complete with working scoreboard and ice hockey stick. Her hairstyle was a copycat of the country's hockey tournament trophy, The Stanley Cup. Ice hockey is the official national winter sport of Canada

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Great Britain: Grace Levy wore a skimpy version of uniform worn by the Queen's Guard when they are on duty outside Buckingham Palace. She accessorised with a gold choker that bore an imitation of the Royal Insignia

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Sri Lanka: Marianne Page, who made her national costume herself. The outfit features intricate beading, jewels and several metres of mirrored material

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss USA: Nia Sanchez came dressed in an elaborate version of the stars and stripes on the American flag. The metre-long white feathers were all hand-stitched onto the silk corset

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Ireland: Lisa Madden wore medieval-looking costume of armour in shades of red. The look was inspired by Celtic warriors

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Venezuela: Migbelis Lynette Castellanos came as a glittering version of the Tabebuia chrysantha. It is the national tree of Venezuela as it is native to the country and it's deep yellow resembles the one on the Venezuelan flag

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Dominican Republic: Kimberly Castillo. Her costume depicts the Virgen de Altagraci - the Virgin is the patron saint of the Dominican Republic

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Portugal: Patricia Da Silva who came dressed in a costume depicting two birds. The Rooster of Barcelos is the fictional national bird of Portugal

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Lebanon: Saly Greige. Saly wore the simplest item of clothing for the evening - a billowing long sherwal, which is the most common and practical garment in rural areas of the country - although covered in this picture, the dress actually features trousers with a low crotch

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Russia: Yulia Alipova wore a dress inspired by the Byzantine era and its influence to the Russian culture. The ornate headress was embedded with brocade and emerald and ruby-like stones

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Korea: Yoo Yebin wore a Hanbok, which is the south Korean national dress. She also wore a outer layer that featured flags from all over the world as a symbol of unity

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Australia: Tegan Martin wore an outfit inspired by the Aboriginal Dreamtime sunset. It was chosen from among a range of options, including one outfit inspired by the Sydney Opera House and another inspired by Steve Irwin

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Japan: Keiko Tsuji came dress as a Sōjutsu fighter. Sōjutsu meanins "art of the spear" and is the Japanese martial art of fighting with a yari (a Japanese spear)

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Ecuador: Alejandra Argudom wore one of the most revealing outfits of the evening. The costume featured several materials indigenous to Ecuador including the Tagua nut, also know as vegetable ivory, which comes from the rain forests of Ecuador

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Lithuania: Patricija Belousova had the most daring costume of the evening - her sheer dress revealed every inch of her body

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Jamaica: Kaci Fennell came dressed as in carnival gear - which is one of the key moments in the Jamaican calendar

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Spain: Desire Cordero Ferrer wore a medieval-style gown for her national costume

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss France: Camille Cerf wore a chic beret to match a red ribbon tied around the waist of her lace gown

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Switzerland: Zoe Metthez wore a simple gown that featured the country's flag on her train

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Kosovo: Artnesa Krasniqi's version of Kosovan national dress would most likely make many of her fellow countrymen blush

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Slovenia: Urska Bracko's outfit was one of the least outlandish

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss St. Lucia: Roxanne Didler-Nicholas shone in her modernised version of St Lucian national dress

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss South Africa: Ziphozakhe Zokufa wore a dress featuring the colours of the South African flag

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss Chile: Hellen Toncio was one of the few women to wear trousers in the national costume round

 Национальные костюмы Мисс Вселенная-2015
Miss India: Noyonita Lodh's outfit looked like it could be dangerous if you got too close

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