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Блогер oksani - Pointless notes about my life

1. Camping out Турпоход 2. Camping destination Бивак 3. Captain America with an unidentified damsel Капитан Америка и неизвестная девушка 4. The damsel, however seems to have robbed our hero Но девушка не лыком шита, и герой был ограблен  Tuesday Simon went to the dentist to fix a cavity. The dentist asked we she should use gas, but ...
25-07-2011топ 100 блогов oksani
А чего это, все загадки загадывают, а я нет? Так вот вам загадка, кто отгадает почему я теперь по средам хожу в платьях, получит какой-нибудь приз. Я еще не придумала какой правда ...
08-06-2011топ 100 блогов oksani
I was listening to NPR today, and heard a report about autism. If I remember correctly, the scientists checked out ALL children of a South Korean city, about 55 thousand kids between the ages of 7 and 12. Over two and a half percent of them fit the  autism spectrum diagnosis. Considering that the current belief was that about one percent of kids are on autism spectrum, everyone was extremely surprised. Two thirds of the ...
10-05-2011топ 100 блогов oksani
It was pretty much decided from the begining that if the shorts turn out OK, I'll make a little dress. Well, the shorts got approved, so it was definitely onto Katie's outfit. Stacey's mom, who is solely responsible for teaching me how to do all this, sat down with me and we picked out an outfit pattern, and the fabric for it. I should also mention that she has all of this just laying around in her house. It took me a few days, since ...
08-07-2010топ 100 блогов oksani